Why do victims of domestic violence suffer and not leave?

In cases of domestic violence, the best option is for the victim to leave the common residence they share with the abuser and stop all contact with him. Unfortunately, however, such an opportunity is not always available.

In many cases, abusers will go to extremes to prevent their victim from leaving. Also, this crucial step often leads to uncontrollable aggression on the part of the abuser, which can end fatally for the victim.

The reasons why a victim of violence chooses to continue to endure the harassment inflicted on her can be extremely complex and complex.

Often they are also based on the threats the abuser uses to keep her trapped in the home: that he will hurt/kill the victim; that it will hurt/kill the children; that he will take custody of the children; that it will ruin the victim financially and more. etc. It is also possible that the victim does not have an objective opportunity to escape to a safe place and/or protect her children.

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If you suffer from domestic violence or a loved one is subject to such, it is good to inform yourself carefully about what measures could be taken in the specific situation. Each case is specific and requires an individual approach to resolution.

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