A campaign of the "Dokova & Dokov for the Future" Foundation

Small actions lead to big change.
More and more people are beginning to understand how serious and socially significant the problem of domestic violence is in our country, but few are those who take action because they believe they can change the situation.
Our #1Thing campaign is dedicated to the prevention of various forms of domestic violence. Together we can fight for a world where there will be no violence against children, women and youth!
Why #1thing
Domestic violence affects millions of people every year, but we believe it can be prevented. This requires a collective voice and the power of individuals, families, institutions and government systems – everyone whose ‘one thing’ adds value and is a powerful component in transforming our society.
Every day we have an opportunity to educate others about the impact of domestic violence on the individual and encourage those around us to take action.
The #1Thing message aims to help individuals and diverse communities define and make sense of how our collective “stuff” can bring about the social change we all want to see.
Many people actively seek out information about domestic violence and want to be informed, but do not take any action to change. Some of them want to do something, but do not believe that their actions would contribute to a serious reform. However, if each person does one small thing, the energy of collective action will definitely create real social transformation! Change can only start with #1Thing.

The power to share your #1Thing
There is so much meaning and value in the #1Thing of each individual sharing their story. It could be the story of the survivor, the story of the advocate, or the story of the good friend who shelters the victim of domestic violence. All these stories are the collective narrative of our society taking serious problems and looking for ways to deal with them. A person’s behavior and attitudes are shaped when he hears the inspiring stories of those around him. When one person inspires several others, the effect is not long in coming – the energy spreads and can even affect our children – the future generations to bring about the biggest change.
By sharing your #1Thing, you can shine a light on:
With #1Thing, we aim to inspire people to take action and more specifically to think about how they, as individuals, can take small steps to bring about real change.
How can you get involved?
You can easily get involved in our campaign by sharing on social networks #1Thing you would do to raise awareness about domestic violence among your friends. What will it be?