Discussion meeting "Is support for children and disabled people from Ukraine effective"

“Dokova & Dokov for the Future” Foundation took part at the invitation of “Karin Dom” in a discussion meeting “Is the support for children and people with disabilities from Ukraine effective”. The meeting took place on July 6, and many challenges and possible solutions were discussed. We united around the idea of preparing a report to the responsible institutions.
Many NGOs from the city of Varna took part in the meeting:
– Pituitary Foundation;
– Representatives of “Blue Dot”, established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and UNICEF, with partners Helsinki Committee and BRC;
– epidemiologists and doctors from RZI;
– Social Assistance Directorate – Municipality of Varna;
– Dr. Lidiya Marinova;
– The President of EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities) Maya Doneva, who arrived especially for the event from Brussels.

Дискусионна среща "Ефективна ли е подкрепата за децата и хората с увреждания от Украйна"

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Bank: DSK Bank
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777

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Банка: Банка ДСК
Получател: „Докова и Доков за бъдеще“
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777