Young talents win cups and medals
before the summer vacation

On Saturday, we organized an internal OPEN chess Olympiad for our talents.

The winner Atanas Grncharov performed remarkably and took the cup home with a big smile!

Also during the weekend Hristo Slavchev, another “our talent” took the first place in the children’s tournament up to 10 years “Ian Bibiyan”.

Here, the first 3 months of the training of the children from the “Talents” center have almost passed and we, from
“Dokov and Dokov for the Future” Foundation, we couldn’t be happier with the results!

First places, cups, gold medals, many certificates and prizes were won by the talented children in our center!

Be sure to follow us to stay up to date with the latest and upcoming events of the Talent Child Development Center that nurtures the dreams of young champions.

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Получател: „Докова и Доков за бъдеще“
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