Psycho-emotional independence

Training for psycho-emotional independence

The “Dokova and Dokov for the Future” Foundation has opened a new direction in its activities – free programs for personal growth, including a series of group trainings, seminars and trainings. Within the framework of this innovative initiative we are launching a series of trainings for psycho-emotional independence (PEN) divided into two groups – “Awareness” and “Growth”.

The ‘Awareness’ group focuses on developing rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence. Participants will explore their personal path and ways to contribute to society, cultivate relationships and understand the differences between love and falling in love. The program covers analysis of global change, the importance of financial independence, and the role of artificial intelligence in the future. Additionally, participants will learn techniques for managing thoughts and emotions, coping with negative states, and explore spiritual and philosophical issues related to inner transformation and relaxation.

Further information on the topics that will be discussed during the trainings can be found on our blog.


“Awareness” Group

Modern man is often faced with constant thinking about problems, systemic stress, a feeling of tension building up in the body, difficulties in meeting a suitable partner, as well as an inability to pay conscious attention to his mental health and spiritual development.

The Psycho-Emotional Independence Group provides an innovative perspective and approach to problem solving. The purpose of the group is personal improvement and creation of an inner spiritual center through which we can achieve independence.

  • Difference between relaxation, concentration, meditation and wakefulness;
  • Techniques and methods for relaxation, concentration and meditation;
  • Separating the mind and ego from our real self;
  • Goal setting and discovering the meaning of life;
  • Reincarnation, the spiritual path and its interweaving with the material;
  • Love and search for a partner through ego needs;
  • Searching for our own past traumas and healing them through intention and meditative techniques;
  • Mastering and eliminating our negative habits and creating positive ones;
  • Empowering, controlling, understanding and transforming our mind, ego, needs, thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes, core beliefs, personal rules and biases;
  • The influence of our focus on the material and overcoming our subjective spiritual trials.
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Participation in trainings for psycho-emotional independence (PEN) is free. To be included in the groups, registration and confirmation by the coordinator of the “Dokova and Dokov for the Future” Foundation is required. After you have registered, stating your desire to participate, we will contact you to confirm availability of seats.


Groups are open for participation after they are launched
but places are limited to 15 people.


City of Varna, 256 "Vladislav Varnenchik" Blvd., Varna Towers, 3rd floor, center "Usmivki"

Leader and coordinator: Lubomir Nedev, psychologist


lyubomir nedev

Donation Account

Bank: DSK Bank
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777

дарителска сметка

Банка: Банка ДСК
Получател: „Докова и Доков за бъдеще“
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777