Individual psychological consultations with CAUSE

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What are the advantages of consulting a psychologist?

In today’s hectic and stressful daily life, more and more people are facing psychological and emotional challenges. Seeing a psychologist can provide valuable support and help you deal with these difficulties.

Key benefits include:

Effective stress management

Working together with your therapist, you can develop strategies to effectively deal with stressful situations and prevent burnout.

Improved problem solving skills

Psychological support can help people discover and develop their strengths, leading to better decision-making and conflict resolution skills

Better mental health

Regular therapy can lead to a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental disorders, improving the overall quality of life.

Improved relationships

Developing emotional intelligence helps people build healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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Personal growth

With the support of an experienced professional, clients can gain clarity about their goals, values and aspirations, promoting personal development and self-realization.

Our approach to you

In our practice, we combine various therapeutic methods to provide an individual and effective approach for each client. We use tools from the following psychological schools: Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Psychodrama, Positive psychology, Gestalt therapy.

In addition to traditional psychological practices, we use innovative approaches, methodologies and techniques that are specifically designed to help people overcome psychological challenges while encouraging their inner growth and spiritual development.

We can help you deal with various
challenges in problem areas related to:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Stress and life management
  • Dependencies
  • Control issues and emotional intelligence
  • Problems in intimate partner and love
  • Transforming negative habits

Address of holding

City of Varna, 256 "Vladislav Varnenchik" Blvd., Varna Towers, 3rd floor, center "Usmivki"

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We are committed to supporting people in their efforts to achieve mental well-being, personal development and spiritual growth, as these aspects are interconnected and contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and prosperous society. You are not alone in your journey to better mental health. We are here to support you!

The price of individual psychological consultations is BGN 70.

All funds raised will go towards supporting our causes.

The price of individual psychological consultations is BGN 70.

All funds raised will go towards supporting our causes.

Leader and coordinator: Lubomir Nedev, psychologist


lyubomir nedev

Donation Account

Bank: DSK Bank
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777

дарителска сметка

Банка: Банка ДСК
Получател: „Докова и Доков за бъдеще“
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777