Andrea Kotsinova

Chase the dream, not the race!

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We support the Bulgarian snowboarder Andrea Kotsinova

Our team believes that talent, dedication and motivation should be encouraged, and when these qualities are applied in a constructive endeavor with national contribution, the results will not be late. That is why we are happy to stand behind the young hope of Bulgarian snowboarding.

Snowboarding is my element. I love the moment when I put on and fasten my shoes, click the automatics, get on the lift waiting to step on the track, feel the wind and the speed.

A 15-year-old girl on her way to the top

  At the age of 9, he became part of the BladeSnowBoardTeam, where he trained under the guidance of Sani Zhekova and her parents Viktor and Zhana Zhekovi. After 2 months of intense training, the first competitions in Bansko are coming. Then the children (girls and boys) up to the age of 11 compete in one general age group “super kids”. Andrea placed 4th in slalom, and 6th in bordercross and parallel slalom. The next competitions are in Borovets, where he performs very well and wins his first medals.

Winner of the Hopes Cup Girls Under 11

In the following racing season, she won start after start and at the end of the season she received her first major honor, namely the winner of the Hopes Cup, girls under 11 years of age.

winner of the "Hope Cup, girls under 13 years of age"

The following year, she was again the winner of the Cup of Hopes, girls under 13 years of age.

winner of the Nadezhdi Cup "Girls 15 years and older"

In 2018 were her first two international starts, where she won her two first places on the international stage, and in 2020/2021 she was again the winner of the Nadezhdi Cup "Girls 15 years and older" with undisputed wins in all starts during the season.

Season 2022/2023

In the period 23.01-28.01.2023, the 16th European Youth Olympic Festival Friuli-Venice-Giulia 2023 took place. In it, Andrea Kocinova undoubtedly earned a well-deserved place among the best young people in winter sports. Silver medal in the team parallel giant slalom! Bronze medalist in team bordercross! Winning two medals in two different disciplines at an Olympic festival is an unprecedented success.

Season 2021/2022

Barely 15 years old, she falls into the “Girls” age group and is about to start in “Women” as well. As a girl, Andrea does not have a single start without winning the first place in the state sports calendar, in the category “Women” she remains one hundredths behind Sani Zhekova in the BorderCross discipline and after Teodora Pencheva in parallel disciplines.

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Motivation and drive

Andrea's motivation and drive grew with each passing start, and so at the last competition in the calendar in the "Women's" Parallel Slalom category, the young hope prevailed over Teddy Pencheva and grabbed the title of Republican Champion - for women at the Open State Snowboard Championship, Parallel Slalom discipline from the BF Ski calendar, held on 04/06/2022 in Borovets.
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Impressive potential

In all competitions of the National Snowboarding Sports Calendar, in which she participated, she demonstrated absolute superiority among girls up to 19 years of age, and managed to win a victory in an international FIS women's competition.

To maintain her general fitness, Andrea jumps on trampolines, trains in athletics with Teresa Marinova and Poli Mitova, who improve her speed and endurance, and sports gymnastics with Dancho Yovchev. In the summer, he longboards with Chris Dragoshinov, and the team goes to surf camps.

About the difficulties in sports

An inevitable part of any sport are injuries which, even with caution, do happen. In such moments, the support that comes from those closest to the contestants is of key importance – so that they do not give up, but move forward.

The other no less important factor in the development of a child’s opportunities and dreams is financial. Snowboarding is an extremely expensive sport, and unfortunately, the state does not always manage to help everyone with sponsorship. Even if this happens, the aid is insufficient for the purchase of equipment, the hiring of coaches and the constant maintenance of the athlete’s form in an active or inactive season.

With the support of the “Dokova and Dokov for the Future” Foundation
Andrea will be able to continue developing her talent and potential.

Together with her coach Viktor Zhekov, they will have the opportunity to do 3 glacier camps before the start of the 2022/2023 season.

Andrea will get equipment of the highest level and the opportunity to concentrate on winning FIS points and going on the world stage, chasing the big dream – participation in the Olympics!


Donation Account

Bank: DSK Bank
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777

дарителска сметка

Банка: Банка ДСК
Получател: „Докова и Доков за бъдеще“
IBAN: BG31STSA93000028622777